
Well hello there WordPress Ladies and Gentlemen,

Matthew T. Aspden

Matthew T. Aspden

You have stumbled upon my blog for which first I have to thank you, whether it was intentional or not!

I am a 33 yr old guy from the north-west of England who has moved around a bit, seen quite a lot of things, and had my fair share of life’s experiences! Over the years I have taken many photographs and written a good amount of poetry which I would like to share with you all. I am also updating all the time with new pieces as and when I am inspired.

Please take a few minutes to browse through my blog, and if you like anything you read or see then please show your appreciation or comment. I’m by no means a ProΒ  at any of this stuff, I merely have a deep-rooted passion for writing and taking pictures. I just hope that the work I produce it liked and admired by a least one other person. Makes all the hard work worth it.

Thank you for listening, and hopefully, enjoy!

Matthew T. Aspden

08/03/2013 – Manchester, England, UK

18 thoughts on “About

  1. blackluminescence says:

    Your photographs are beautiful and your poems are so touching. Especially the more recent ones…. πŸ™‚
    Keep them coming πŸ˜€


    • mattaspden28 says:

      Thank you so so much for such kind words! Means a lot to hear that, and gives me the motivation and drive to continue! I will take some time to read through your blog during the week! πŸ™‚

      Matthew x

  2. Anne says:

    Hi Matt, I have nominated you for the Liebster award! I have been reading your blog and really like your posts! πŸ™‚ Go here to see my nomination: http://creativedeprived.wordpress.com/2013/05/11/nominated-for-the-liebster-award/

    • mattaspden28 says:

      Thank you so so much! I posted my response too early by mistake, but the full post is now up on my blog with the questions answered and new nominees put forward. πŸ™‚

  3. Matt, I love your blog. I nominated you for (another) Liebster Blog Award. Check out http://jewelammons.wordpress.com/2013/05/18/liebster-award-official-acceptance/ for my official nomination and questions.

  4. SoundEagle says:

    Hi Matthew,

    Your enthusiasm is undeniable. Keep up the good work!

    By the way, did you attend the Chelsea Flower Show this year?

  5. Bams Triwoko says:

    Hi Matthew… nice to meet you.
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting my blog.. πŸ˜€
    Blessing to you… !!

  6. starlyt61 says:

    Hello Matt ~~~ Your photos are very emotional and inspiring to me. You have a lot of talent and it is communicated through your eyes and your writings. I will look forward to seeing more. I am new and have not developed my site yet but I will let you know when I have. Blessings to you. πŸ™‚

  7. Kenton Lewis says:

    I have recently nominated you for the WordPress Family Award, well deserved.

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